About Joshua Irwin

Joshua Irwin - Real Estate Sales Coordinator & Marketing Professional at Capital Scope, LLC

Joshua Irwin is a committed real estate sales coordinator and marketing professional at Capital Scope, LLC. Inspired by a mentor, Joshua embarked on his real estate career as a wholesaler in June 2023 and quickly discovered his passion for the industry. He firmly believes that real estate investing creates more millionaires than any other field and is driven by the potential to build substantial wealth through strategic investments.

Joshua focuses primarily on multifamily properties with 20+ units, recognizing the robust opportunities this sector offers for rapidly expanding a portfolio. Although self-taught in real estate investing, Joshua has been guided by several mentors, navigating the complexities of the field with perseverance and determination. His journey, marked by both challenges and rewards, has honed his skills and deepened his understanding of the market.

Joshua excels in building strong relationships, identifying lucrative investment opportunities, marketing properties effectively, and coordinating sales. His practical experience as a wholesaler continues to inform his investment strategies and approach. Joshua's short-term goal is to purchase his first investment property, marking the start of his personal portfolio, while his long-term ambition is to build generational wealth for himself and his family.

Currently, Joshua is enthusiastic about his role at Capital Scope, LLC, and is eager to connect with like-minded individuals who share similar interests and goals. For potential collaborations or inquiries, you can reach Joshua by text at 602.900.3285 or via email at Joshua@capitalscopellc.com.